Translation to and from VHDL & Verilog
Designers are often in the situation where they are working in one language, but one model that comes from a vendor or another group in a different language. Translating the model is a quick way to get it into the language that is the most easy for you to simulate and debug in. To meet this translation need SynaptiCAD offers both VHDL and Verilog translation services and the tools for you to do the translation yourself.
V2V Full Service Translation
If you have an immediate need to translate some HDL code, we also offer a translation consulting service. With this service, you can get the power and flexibility of our V2V HDL Translators without actually purchasing a license or learning and maintaining the tools.
Our experts in VHDL and Verilog will translate your design from one language to the other, meeting your requirements for synthesis and/or simulation and ensuring your complete satisfaction with the results. Our secure environment protects your valuable intellectual property, while our rapid response helps you meet your project schedules.
The first step is for our experts to analyze your design and develop an estimated schedule and detailed price quote for your specific translation needs. This takes into account the technical content and coding style of your design, as well as the particular deliverables and testing you require. We charge a $100 code review fee for this phase (fully credited if the translation proceeds).
Once we agree on the quote and deliverables, our engineers will perform the translation and any related work. You will be free to work on the other demanding aspects of your project, and will receive the translated and tested design exactly when you need it.
To start the process, call us at (540)953-3390. We’ll then get in touch with you to discuss the service and your needs in more detail.
V2V Translation Software
SynaptiCAD offers VHDL2Verilog and Verilog2VHDL, which are command line tools for automatic translation of HDL source code. We have pricing options that include perpetual licenses, yearly licenses, or a daily rate to fit any size translation project.
- VHDL to Verilog Translator
- Verilog to VHDL Translator
- Optional Graphical Interface for VHDL and Verilog Translation
- Download HDL Translators
- Testimonial Paper (PDF format) presented at: “IP Based Design 1998 International Workshop on IP Based system-on-chip Design” held in Grenoble, France, December 1998.